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Carayurú: Where nature and hospitality meet

Carayurú was born from the dream of connecting people from all over the world who love nature and seek to explore places full of life, ancestral knowledge and unique flavors.

Since our opening in 2016, we have been a place that invites peace and hospitality. For more than 30 years, this special place has been our home, and it fills us with joy to see our guests feel at home.

hotel carayuru


We are in a point with high landscape value, because it is surrounded by nature and because of its location in front of the Vaupés River, the main waterway of the department, and the malecón, a tourist pedestrian corridor next to the river bank, which makes the place a perfect place to observe different species of birds and flowers typical of the region.

La Unión, a neighborhood where Carayurú is located, very close to the city center, with easy access to transportation services, fast food restaurants and local cuisine, cultural exchange, crafts, ATMs, hospital, airport, among others.

Our complementary services are designed to enrich your stay and provide a complete and memorable experience at our hotel.

Our services


Fresh and exquisite flavors every day.


hotel con piscina

The perfect place to cool off and enjoy the sun


alquiler de bicicletas

Explora Mitú a tu ritmo

Bike rental

hotel con wifi

Free high speed wifi

satellite internet

Conserve to educate

Albergamos más de 30 especies diferentes de árboles nativos de frutos amazónicos y plantas de flora endémica. Cada uno de estos marcados y clasificados con nombre común en español e inglés y el nombre científico, para aprender del entorno mientras se disfruta de un ambiente natural.


restauracion ecologica

Un espacio para aprender sobre la naturaleza

Más de 20 especies de aves frecuentan nuestro hotel, para anidar y alimentarse de los frutos de los árboles que tenemos sembrados. Nuestros visitantes pueden disfrutar de la facilidad de observar estas aves directamente desde la comodidad de nuestra ubicación.

avistamiento de aves
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